New Cross Gate

massive monos…posterizing some might say


monoprints…on two glass plates. oil painting.

a post of two halves…new! window

collaged pages from reproductions of engravings by Gustave Dore…without the humans or the creatures. From the ‘window135’ archive 2012.

20 years of window135                               2008…Soledad Garcia Saavedra curated a series of 10 windows…’re-intervention 135′.       Soledad was a MA Curating student at Goldsmiths; she selected artists from within the Goldsmiths community.                                        Work shown here…

‘Bak to Skool’ @warboutique….

‘Meet Pedro’ @christlmudrak               

snagging. snagged crotchet…in parenthesis


this is the 20th anniversary of window135

from the family portrait series…                                many thanks to all those that have played a part in the last 20 years…it has been a blast.

18th January 2024

William Raban…Autumn Scenes 1978

window135 are pleased to be showing 3 short films by William Raban.


Autumn Scenes. 1978

‘Filmed in East London (Dalston) 1978, the three parts of Autumn Scenes are concerned with finding ways in which film can be used to explore cubist representations of space’.

(Approx lengths)

Concrete Fall. 5min 48s

Fergus Walking. 6min 30s

Packeted Passages. 7min 16s

Many thanks William for his work and good company.


End of year Glass mash up

Happy New Year…30.12.23

A moment of Harmony…Naoko Tagai

Naoko Tagai

‘A moment of harmony’

Porcelain glazed & unglazed
mounted on board.

Naoko Tagai is a multidisciplinary artist, works in Deptford, London.

‘I decided to explore the potential of Porcelain to create a form of sculpture – an imaginary plant that seek to express the overwhelming energy and power of nature to prevail in the world, despite the odds. The hard sharp spikes in the work point towards this strength and resilience.

I wanted to capture the vitality and life force which all plants naturally exhibit – something indeed we can learn much from, both as a species and as individual people.’

Many thanks to Naoko for the work ❤️

petroleum jelly…Olive Hardy, Lydia Walker

06.05.23 durational performance in the window 4.30-6

photographs…Hal Jones. @_haljones

Many thanks to all that came… and stood in the rain.

Particular love and thanks to Olive Hardy and Lydia Walker…@olivehardy and @lydiajeannelea

crusoe enamel paint win…oh the colours

enamel on cotton duck or tin @window135…4.4.23

A month on a page…enamelcentric

remarkably ridiculous day in nasty new cross

enamel paint…inside and out @window135…10.4.23

new enamels… with stretchers from Mark Beldan

16th April…enamel on cotton duck or tin. Many thanks to Mark for the quality items.

tray bien, tray belle…tres tray

enamel on tin trays…23.04.23 @window135